Monday, April 16, 2007

Finally Home!!!

I have waited a long time to post this!! Since my last post, Macey was taken via plane to Cincinnati Childrens Hospital where she stayed a week. They had a special treatment they thought she might need for her severe pneumonia. Fortunately, once there, she turned around and got much better. I came back to St. V's in Toledo with Macey on the flight back this past Friday and she just got to come home today. She is still really tired, but seems happy to be home... just like the rest of us! Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A brighter day

Yesterday, Macey did not have a good day. She was having trouble weaning off of the oxygen. She has pneumonia on one side of her lung, so that is challenging things. Yesterday evening, she seemed to turn a corner and was much more stable. The main goal today is to reduce her need for nitric oxide (that helps open up her lungs) and the oxygen. Her pulminologist said once we get her off the ventilator, she will be able to fight the pneumonia better and get her home!! I really like him. I will update as soon as anything new happens.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Still recovering

Just a quick update to let everyone know how Macey is doing. She is still on the ventilator so things can heal up. They are thinking of removing it on Wednesday. She had a small throat infection over the weekend that is looking better after two types of antibiotics. It has been a waiting game for now while the area they fixed heals up. I will let everyone know when the vent comes off. They said it could be another week in the hospital after it is removed. Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers.