Friday, October 03, 2008


Jerry... is loving school. Isn't he so cute? He has a field trip today to a farm where they get to milk a cow and feed goats. I'm sure he is having the time of his life. They do have a live bee hive there and he is terrified of bees, so we'll have to see how that part turns out.

Macey... is your typical 2 year old. She gets into everything!!! I love it though. If she wasn't doing it, we would be worried. Unfortunately, she does have an MRI scheduled for October 13th. She has an occasional head tilt (torticollis) and has shaky tendencies so after being checked by a PT and eye doctor, we went to the dreaded neurologist. Her symptoms are mild, but they want to do an MRI to rule out tumors UGH!!! and nerve damage UGH!!! The doctor said it is most likely a tic disorder (like torettes (which I can't spell)) that could become worse over time, but is benign. The poor kid, she can't catch a break. I will update after the MRI and let everyone know how things went.

Laney... is getting around. She started walking around her birthday and is getting around so well now. She and Macey have been playing so much now that she is mobile. They are so cute. I am pretty sure she weighs more than Macey now and is just a few inches shorter than her. She is thinning out now that she is walking though. Those lovable thunder thighs are shrinking.