Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My adorable outfit

I have had several people ask about the adorable red and teal outfit. It was from a good friend of mine. She sells the cutest kids clothes. Here is her information if anyone else is interested.

Kelly's Kids Boutique Children's Clothes
Designed to mix - match- coordinate for boys and girls sizes 6mos - 12 years
De Anna Kuzma, Sales Representative #111905
home phone 419-734-5660
NOW BOOKING SPRING 2007 PARTIES! Email me for details on the AWESOME hostess incentives!

Sunday, December 17, 2006


I am so late on this one. The holidays have kept us pretty busy. Macey is doing great. She is starting to crawl! Her motivation was Jerry's homework he cut out for preschool. She went right for the carefully cut out red star that was left on the living room floor. She loves paper! Needless to say, we had to make a replacement. Jerry is doing well and had fun at Thanksgiving and his birthday. He is looking forward to Christmas and a visit from Santa Claus.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

A friendly visitor

We had a friendly visitor this afternoon. Mr. Raccoon must have been really hungry because it was broad daylight and he was out snooping around. Thankfully, he came and went as quick as possible. It probably helped that Jerry was making lots of noise. If anyone knows any deterents, let us know. I was going to go out this afternoon and sprinkle some pepper around. I would hate for Tess to meet up with Mr. Raccoon.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!! Peter Pan and Tinkerbell had a fun time this year. We went trick or treating for about half an hour, then Jerry enjoyed handing out candy to the other kids the rest of the time.
Macey is up to 14 lbs. 13 oz. and doing good. We are preparing for lockdown for flu and RSV season.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Macey is getting so big!! She now weighs 13 lbs 4 oz. Over 6 times her birth weight! Jerry is also growing like a weed. He is 40 lbs. and 40 inches tall. We had a pretty fun month. We went to the Toledo Zoo for Grandparents Day (pictures attached). Jerry wanted me to post the picture of the baby elephant stuck in the tire...don't worry he got free.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

First Day of School!! It was Jerry's first group day on friday. His teacher comes to our house once a week and he goes to the center every other friday. He has never been so excited!

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Macey did really well this month. She was taken off the apnea/heart monitor on Aug 15th. She is starting to roll on her side and grab things. She now weighs 12 lbs. 10 oz. and is finally growing out of her clothes! Jerry got to do some big brother things, like feeding her. He loves being a big brother!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


No more oxygen!! Around the middle of the month, she was taken off the oxygen and caffeine!! We will have the monitor for another month or so. She is doing so well. She now weighs over 10 lbs and is 21.5 inches long.


Macey is now only on oxygen when she eats!!! It is so much easier to dress her without the oxygen tubes. She has gained quite a bit of weight since she came home. In May she gained 2 lbs and this month gained 2 lbs. She is now aound 9 lbs!!! She seems huge. She is also starting to smile!! Jerry is having a good time with his little sister, and has only requested she be returned to the hospital a few times. I am back to work part time which makes life pretty busy.


Macey came home on May 2!! Jerry got to meet his little sister! He was not allowed to go in the NICU because of RSV season. He met her for the first time the day we put her in the car to come home. He was so cute with her. He looked at her in her car seat and said "I'm your big brother" in the sweetest little voice in the world.

Macey is doing good. She is eating well and sleeps most of the time. She needs oxygen, is on an apnea monitor and sleeps upright because of reflux, but it is not bad. I am sleeping on the couch because her oxygen is set up in the living room. I haven't been out of the house much, but don't care. I am just so happy she is finally home!


Macey has come a long way this month! She had an infection the first few weeks, but once that was out of the way, she showed us she was a big girl and could do everything herself. She has gone from 3 lbs. to 4 lbs. 14 oz. She graduated from the isolette bed to an open crib and is eating her feedings from a bottle!! It only took a few days for her to get the hang of the bottle and is often eating more than she needs to. She is still on oxygen, battles reflux and has some apnea, but has come so far! It won't be long and she will be home!


Macey gained an entire pound this month. She is starting to open her eyes a little, but sleeps most of the time. She is no longer on the ventilator, but goes back and forth from CPAP to nasal canula. I was able to hold her for the first time when she was two weeks old. It was a good feeling, but she is so small and fragile. We are going back and forth to the hospital quite often. It is hard to leave her, but we are glad she is at such a nice hospital with great nurses!