Sunday, October 01, 2006


Macey is getting so big!! She now weighs 13 lbs 4 oz. Over 6 times her birth weight! Jerry is also growing like a weed. He is 40 lbs. and 40 inches tall. We had a pretty fun month. We went to the Toledo Zoo for Grandparents Day (pictures attached). Jerry wanted me to post the picture of the baby elephant stuck in the tire...don't worry he got free.


Kellie said...

Hi! You visited my blog today and commented about Carson's "ghost" issue. Thanks for stopping by. Macey is a doll! She looks like she is doing quite well. It is a small world that our husbands work in the same profession (and up until last week, the same company). Al was the GM at the Lewis Center store in NE Columbus (Polaris area). He worked for Bobs for 4 years and loved the company but it was time for a change.

beth said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. My husband Shane has worked for Bobs for 2 years and likes it. He was recently transfered to a store much farther from our house, so that hasn't been much fun(1 hour each way). The Polaris area has a ton of restaurants!! Is Al's new job a restaurant job? It isn't the easiest profession for families. I work mornings and Shane works afternoons and evenings, so we barely see each other. It is good for the kids as we haven't had to send them to daycare.