Monday, January 29, 2007

New Pictures, Long Overdue!

Finally! I have been trying to post pictures for two weeks! We have been good. Last month, Jerry went bowling with his class. He had a blast. He scored a 62 (with the bumpers). Not bad for a 4 year old.

You can see, Jerry not only enjoyed Christmas, he enjoyed the packages everyting came in. I was feeding Macey and walked into this mess after she was done. It's hard to believe a mess that was made in 30 seconds took an hour to clean up.

Macey is still getting around. She is getting really good at crawling and will now pull herself all the way up. She constantly follows Jerry around which is adorable. Most of the time he enjoys the attention. This Friday (Feb 2) is the anniversary of my water breaking! Macey's birthday is also just around the corner. It is hard to believe. She has come so far!

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