Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Out of surgery

Macey did well with her surgery. They first did another scope to see what was going on. She had scar tissue from the ventilator that they were able to remove without doing reconstruction. They then put in a stint to keep her airway open and put her on a ventilator so the area can heal. She will be on it for a week and in the hospital for another week afterwards. They will do another scope in a few weeks following the time she goes home. We will have to watch her closely for any signs of breathing trouble. We are relieved she is doing well. She is currently sedated and resting comfortably. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

i am glad my baby girl is doing okay. i have been praying for you.

love uncle steve

Anonymous said...

We are soooo glad that things went well. We will pray for her everyday. Gary says that Jerry & Macey are his brother and sister. We miss you. =) Uncle Gary , Aunt Kathy, Cousin Gary.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Gail, Uncle Bruce, Jenna, Lauren and Jordan have also being praying for Macey (and family!) We love you and are so happy we got to see you on Sunday, last week! :) We're looking forward to seeing you again soon when you are feeling much better!!! Big hugs and kisses from all of us! XOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

We're glad surgery went well. We're thinking and praying for you guys every day. Sending lots of love your way! Shane, Sueanne, Emma and Ethan.