Monday, August 13, 2007

Meet my baby sister

Laney Elizabeth was born on Friday, August 10th at 5:48 pm
She was 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 21.5 inches long


Anonymous said...

laney is so cute

love uncle steve

Anonymous said...

Macey, Jerry, Beth and Shane: We can't wait to meet your baby sister/daughter!!! What a beautiful name for an absolutely beautiful girl!! Looking forward to Labor Day weekend and hopefully seeing all of you!! You remain in our thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your new addition to the family!!
Love to all of you,
Gail, Bruce, Jenna, Lauren and Jordan (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATION!!!!!! What a blessing to add to your family!! Hope everyone is doing well! Take care, Love Audrey and Kids