Monday, October 22, 2007

Update... will add pictures later.

Thought I would update on how everyone is doing...

Laney is miserable...
She is getting huge. I bet she is 15 pounds now. She wants to eat all the time. I think she may have colic, reflux or lactose intolerance as she is never happy. I have tried several formulas and they all have different reactions, but all leave her miserable. The latest thing I am trying is soy formula. I should know by tomorrow if that makes any difference. I just want her to be happy!

Macey is happy...
We had Macey's OT evaluation today and she is doing really well developmentally. She was getting extra help with Feeding (for gagging and coughing while eating and drinking)... sorry to be gross! Anyway, she no longer needs the help and has successfully graduated from Occupational Therapy... Yeah!

She is still in Speech Therapy (2 times a month) and is possibly starting physical therapy for her feet turning in while she walks. In speech therapy she is learning sign language and she has added many new words to her vocabulary. She can now say da-da, ma, duck, some, this, whatisit? ba (for baby, ball and bye) and can sign eat and more. Her voice is still so soft sometimes it is hard to tell if she is saying something or just babbling.

This brings us to the ENT. She is getting a scope done on November 15 to check out her vocal cords to see if there was any scaring from the surgery last March. We are hoping they see that her vocal cords are getting better and the reflux medication is working and there is no further damage.

Other than that, she is walking around and playing like a typical 1 year old. She loves to play with Jerry and pester her miserable sister.

Jerry is amazing...
He amazes me every day. He now attends pre-school 3 days a week in the mornings and is loving it! Tomorrow is his sharing day and he is bringing his buzz lightyear and woody toys to share. Last time he took his buzz lightyear space ship.

Today we were talking about how long it takes to drive all the way across the country and I told him it would take 3 days non stop to drive across the US to where Uncle Bill lives in Seattle (is that right?) and he said "3 days? That's 2 nights!" Amazing!

Tonight when I was tucking him into bed he said... "I wish I had 6 legs and 6 arms so I could hug everyone!" How cute is that?

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