Saturday, January 19, 2008

Back at the Hospital

Macey has been at the hospital since Wednesday. We have all had bug in the past few weeks, but hers has stuck around the longest. Wednesday, she started breathing funny, so off to the doctor we went. They sent us for a chest x-ray and low and behold... pneumonia...yuck!!! Anyway, we went to our usual hospital and they admitted her. She is getting better and hopefully will get to go home in the next few days. Today she was running around and being her typical self. It was good to see!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Pictures

Well, we officially had our first battle of the germs this winter. We all got a nasty cough which is sticking around. Our house sounds like a smoker's convention. Poor little Macey has had a rough couple of weeks. She lost a pound...I was very sad. It took her almost 2 years to get to 21.5 pounds... she is currently 20 pounds. Here are some more current pictures of the girls.