Saturday, January 19, 2008

Back at the Hospital

Macey has been at the hospital since Wednesday. We have all had bug in the past few weeks, but hers has stuck around the longest. Wednesday, she started breathing funny, so off to the doctor we went. They sent us for a chest x-ray and low and behold... pneumonia...yuck!!! Anyway, we went to our usual hospital and they admitted her. She is getting better and hopefully will get to go home in the next few days. Today she was running around and being her typical self. It was good to see!


Anonymous said...

Hi family! Hello Jerry! Grandma Linda here. Found out about Macey and clicked on. Sorry she is down with pneumonia! Hope she gets well really fast. I bet you are a big help at home to Mom. I know Dad took you to see Macey when they called Grandpa Jerry for his birthday. Grandpa kinda wanted a spiderman party but I said no. I was afraid the cats might get him!
You have fun Jerry and give your Mom and Dad a big hug from us!!

Anonymous said...

Hi kids,
The weather is getting nice and the new bike needs a trip. Keep your ears open, Uncle Lloyd will be coming down the street soon. I feel the need for "ICE CREAM" any body want to go with me?

Love ya'll

Uncle Lloyd