Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Went to the immunologist earlier this week and things are better. I am hoping that she will do a lot better this winter since the vaccines have finally done their job. She is now protected against 10 out of 14 strains of pneumonia. Also, her partially collapsed lung seems to be getting better. Her voice is much stronger and she is now talking a lot more. I am just hoping for a better winter this year. She is on the growth chart (barely).

He is excited about school. He starts a week from today. At soccer practice last night, I learned he has the "mean teacher". I am fine with this haha. From what they said, she is good as long as the kids behave. I am sure Jerry will be fine. His teacher's name is Mrs. Jenson. He keeps saying it is Mrs. Jetson... I guess he watches too much boomerang. He also went to see the pulminologist over this summer. Like Macey, he has asthma. He got some controlling meds and is doing great. He has so much more energy now.

Is too darn cute. She is starting to walk around more and more each day. She is starting to get a sense of humor and laughs a lot. She is working on getting her 1 year molars in which hasn't been too fun. She is just 4 inches shorter than Macey and weighs slightly more. The girls are just too cute together.

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