Sunday, September 14, 2008

Small Town

We live in a small bedroom community in the middle of corn fields. Most of the houses are small to average. I love it here and love the quaintness as well as the strange things that happen in a small town. Our police blotter is often something you would see on Jay Leno full of things like LOST BIKES, BARKING DOGS, and NOISY KIDS FOUND PLAYING NEAR PARK. Lately, I have been walking with the kids and have seen truly what a small town is about.

I have nicknamed the lady down the street as the cat lady (I know, creative huh) because every time I pass her house there is a pile of cats laying all over her small porch.

I have to use special caution when I go out to avoid the lady next door when she is wearing her thin nightgown, knee high stockings, curlers. I have encountered this and it isn't pretty, but it is definitely worse when she isn't wearing her teeth!!!

The house two doors down we have a couple who is constantly working on their lawn... always mowing, trimming shoveling, sculpting and blowing things around their yard or their neighbor's yard. Their lawn is beautiful. With that said, I have to share a photo of their yard this morning. They do this every once in a while and just FYI, they hang all the rest of their clothes in the backyard. I don't know if you can tell, but that is a rack with underwear on it in their front yard!

And this one across the street. Love the touch of satellite in the front yard.

UGH I hate School Fundraiser Season!

Okay, I am all for raising money for the school and for extras for the kids... however, we have received FOUR books for fundraising already and it is only the third week of school!!! This last one, the kids came home all excited about, so I must post it here in case anyone would be interested. There is food, gift wrap, candy and many other items to choose from. You can order online and give credit to: Jerry Craddock, R.C. Waters Elementary, Oak Harbor, Ohio.
Here is the website:
No pressure!!! Thanks for looking!

Also, his school also saves box tops for education and campbell's soup labels, so if you have any that you are going to throw out, we would appreciate them.