Sunday, September 14, 2008

Small Town

We live in a small bedroom community in the middle of corn fields. Most of the houses are small to average. I love it here and love the quaintness as well as the strange things that happen in a small town. Our police blotter is often something you would see on Jay Leno full of things like LOST BIKES, BARKING DOGS, and NOISY KIDS FOUND PLAYING NEAR PARK. Lately, I have been walking with the kids and have seen truly what a small town is about.

I have nicknamed the lady down the street as the cat lady (I know, creative huh) because every time I pass her house there is a pile of cats laying all over her small porch.

I have to use special caution when I go out to avoid the lady next door when she is wearing her thin nightgown, knee high stockings, curlers. I have encountered this and it isn't pretty, but it is definitely worse when she isn't wearing her teeth!!!

The house two doors down we have a couple who is constantly working on their lawn... always mowing, trimming shoveling, sculpting and blowing things around their yard or their neighbor's yard. Their lawn is beautiful. With that said, I have to share a photo of their yard this morning. They do this every once in a while and just FYI, they hang all the rest of their clothes in the backyard. I don't know if you can tell, but that is a rack with underwear on it in their front yard!

And this one across the street. Love the touch of satellite in the front yard.

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