Saturday, April 12, 2008


For those of you who are around me a lot, you know I am somewhat of an addict. For those who aren't, I have the proof to share with you. I will come out of my bargain stash closet (no room left in there anyway) and say I am a bargain/coupon shopper addict. This is good for the pocket book, but at times scares people. I will warn you, if you shop with me, you will not leave the store without me saying "I have a coupon for that" while digging through my giant coupon bag. My coupon bag is bigger than my diaper bag... and I have two in diapers!

I have to laugh at myself and this time, I feel I may have gone a bit overboard... but it was free!!! Anyway, here is my latest shopping binge. In all, I had 41 cookie mixes. They were all free after coupon at Kroger, so I could not help myself. I had to laugh when my bagger looked over at the other bagger as I was leaving and said "she paid $1.18 for all that stuff"... I must admit that was my fourth trip to Kroger and cookie mix was not the only thing I got for free... just the most exciting for Jerry.

Jerry looked at all the cookie mixes and said "OH MY GOSH!!!" and proceeded to tell me that we were going to make cookies whenever he wanted to. The good thing is that they don't expire until next year, so if you want to have a bake sale, I'll bring the cookies!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are it's great!