Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Pneumonia again??

Macey got really sick in March. She had a double ear infection and what they thought was pneumonia. We were in the Emergency room two times and our doctor's office two times. We avoided admitting her to the hospital this time!! After going to the pulminologist (lung doctor), we found out that the pneumonia diagnosis may have been wrong and she may have a partially collapsed lung. UGH!!! We will go back in a few months and get a new x-ray and see what it looks like, then she MAY have to have a CT scan to find out what is going on. They are trying to be careful with the amount of radiation she is receiving because she has had a lot of x-rays!!!

On another note, tomorrow we are taking her to an immunologist to find out why she gets SO sick. Every time she gets sick, it sets her back in weight and delays her development. She can't really afford either!! They were worried she may have a problem with her immune system and need monthly shots. I THINK her tests for that came back okay, but we are still going to see the new doctor. Hopefully we will get some answers.

Jerry is going to kindergarten round up in a couple of weeks. I can't believe my little guy will be in school soon! I think he will do really well. He is already getting the hang of spelling and reading simple words and he is really good at math. He amazes me. He may have a problem keeping his mouth shut in class though. Mr. Social butterfly.

Laney is getting her teeth, which makes her miserable. There has been a large amount of tylenol dispensed at our house lately. Otherwise, she is growing (same weight as macey) and eating lots of different things and sitting up on her own. She has changed quite a bit in the last few months. She hasn't really shown interest in crawling though. We will see. She may be a lazy one!!!

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